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Drone Pupa Tablets

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The drone pupa is the unfertilized egg of the queen bee in the drone's house. After hatching into a larva, it enters the pupa stage (11-12 days old) after 7 days of growth and development. At this time, the body of the bee pupa is the drone pupa. Rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, and various bioactive substances.
The nutritional composition of male bee pupae varies depending on their age and source of feed. According to analysis, at the age of 22 days (weight 258 milligrams), there are the most abundant nutrients.


Nutrient composition of male Weifeng pupa:
Lysine and vitamin A: important substances for maintaining the aquaculture system and improving sexual function;
Vitamin D: Nourishing the prostate and preventing prostate diseases;
Taurine: Relieve fatigue and restore physical vitality;
Chitin polysaccharides: enhance SOD activity, resist aging, and enhance body vitality;
Male factor: enhances human immunity and has a significant effect on sexual function;
Ecdysis factor: promote the growth of germ cell;
Juvenile hormone: control specific protein synthesis and promote the development of the reproductive system;
Prostate factors: Avoid prostatitis and prostate enlargement.
Drone pupa is an ideal nutritional food that contains high protein, low fat, multiple vitamins, and trace elements.
Vitamin A: Male bee pupae>beef; Protein: Male bee pupa ≈ fish liver oil; Vitamin D: Male bee pupa>10 times fish liver oil


This product is made using 6.0% royal jelly freeze-dried powder and drone pupa powder with 10-HDA as the main raw materials, supplemented by light propyl methylcellulose, and scientifically processed.


Content: 0.25g*16tablets*15bottle/box


Usage: It is recommended to take 4-6 capsules once a day with warm water or with water. It is better to swallow honey water below 60 ℃.

Attention: Not suitable for lactating women, pregnant women, and children under the age of 14. People who are allergic to protein and bee products should use it with caution, and women can pause taking it during their physiological period.


Store in a sealed and cool (≤ 5 ℃) dry place.


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